Monday, 26 November 2012

What Is Shirsa???????????
We are very Glad to inform you that the beta version of our  portal shirsa: a personalized brain training platform' is live now. 

Shirsa means brain in Sanskrit.....

We all are very much aware about 'Shirsasana' (head down exercise in yoga), which improve blood circulation to brain, Shirsa  resembles and gives same effect of 'Shirsasana'.

Brief about Shirsa:

Shirsa is a personalized brain training program, which helps you to improve  your cognitive skills like speed, attention, focus, critical thinking, problem solving, visual perception, task switching, multitasking and etc, for all ages.

Shirsa provides solution in form of online brainy exercises, by which users can initiate growth of new neuron cell by regular exercising (10-15 mins a day) with

The solution provided by Shirsa has scientific validation, visit our site for more details, 

- Sukhada

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