Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Drive safe!!

'Talking on phone'..'texting while driving'... is dangerous and irresponsible behavior and it should be banned.  However, there are a significant number of accidents that occur where there is no device being used behind the wheel. 
Research about how the brain works and its impact in situations such as driving make it clear that brain performance is the biggest factor in driving safely. Whether it be responding to visual cues such as tracking multiple objects, widening peripheral view or maintaining a clear sight of what is straight ahead, it is the brain’s job to process and respond to the thousands of stimuli and information taken in every second. And according to our research on brain plasticity, the brain has the ability to rewire and therefore improve the cognitive functions that are essential for safe driving.
So many lives can be saved on the roads today if people would only pay attention to their real reason for being behind the wheel  to operate a motor vehicle while we help drivers deal with the multitude of distractions that get in their way of doing it safely.

- Team Shirsa

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